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The families in the CHD community put everything on hold to provide the best they can, for their little ones. These are families who stay for weeks to months in a hospital and their whole life is a shuttle between the hospital and their home. Some of them are new parents, being pushed into accepting and making choices to increase the longevity of their child’s life, even before grasping the overwhelming phase of parenthood. Some of them are parents with other children; children who at formative ages are compelled to grow up and grasp the new reality of their life.

These are parents who juggle between taking care of the sibling, the child in the hospital, while trying to maintain a balance, or rather, a new normal. Some of them are single parents, having to make some of the hardest decisions by themselves for their child. Some of these families have to continue working, at the cost of being next to child’s bedside, to make ends meet. Some of these families travel from around the country and globe to get world-class treatment from some of finest medical teams in the nation. These are families who experience extreme emotional stress, to say the least.